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人大宗教学博士点专业主文献 Empty
帖子主题: 人大宗教学博士点专业主文献   人大宗教学博士点专业主文献 Empty2012-06-23, 12:52

1. 武瞾与佛教…………………………………………………………………陈寅恪
2. 论“格义”—最早一种融合印度佛教与中国思想的方法………………汤用彤
3. 再论“浮屠”与“佛”……………………………………………………季羡林
4. 佛教学的方法论……………………………………………………………平川彰
5. 论魏晋时代佛学和玄学的异同……………………………………石峻、方立天
6. 如来禅与祖师禅……………………………………………………………方立天
7. 中国佛教的“心”……………………… ………………………………木村清孝
8. 本觉思想的定义与类型…………………………………………………末木文美士
9. 如来藏思想与本觉思想…………………………………………………松本史郎
10. 解读《鸠摩罗什传》:兼谈中国中古早期的佛教文化与史学…………… 陆扬
11. The Way of Wisdom, The Five Spiritual Faculties……………Edward Conze
12. The Buddhist Critique of Sassatavada and Ucchedavada: The Key to a proper Understanding of the Origin and the Doctrines of early Buddhism……………………………………………Y. Karunadasa Visuddhimagga
13. Religious Experience as the Root of Religion…………………William James
14. Reformed Epistemology and Hick’s Religious Pluralism………David Basinger
15. Theology and Scientific Methodology………………………………Nancey Murphy
16. The Free Will Defense…………………………………………………Alvin Plantinga
17. Miracles and Historical Evidence……………………………………Richard Swinburne
18. Religious Inclusivism……………………………………………………Karl Rahner
19. Religious Language as Symbolic………………………………………Paul Tillich
20. Ethics and Natural Law…………………………………………………Thomas Aquinas
21. Introduction to the Economicsof Religion…………………Laurence R. Iannaccone
22. Religion and Economic Growth across Countries………Robert J. Barro; Rachel M. McCleary
23. The Scientific Study of Religion? You Must Be Joking!………………Eileen Barker
24. Transformations in New Immigrant Religions and Their Global Implications………………………………………Fenggang Yang; Helen Rose Ebaugh
25. Work in Progress Toward a New Paradigm for the Sociological Study of Religion in the United States……………………………………………………R. Stephen Warne
26. 近代中国的国家与宗教:宗教政策与学术典范……………………………高万桑
27. 论中国化马克思主义宗教观…………………………………………………方立天
28. 宗教社会科学:内涵与价值……………………………………………………魏德东
29. Religious Studies in China………………………………………………He Guanghu
30. 什么是真正的宗教 ——论普世宗教的标准…………………………………孔汉思
31. 论基督宗教信仰…………………………………………………………………巴特
32. 存在与上帝………………………………………………………………………蒂里希
33. 希望神学导论——对希望的沉思……………………………………………莫尔特曼
34. 基督教在第三个千年里可以为亚洲(尤其中国)提供什么?……………斯威德勒
35. The Moral Argument………………………………………………………C.S.Lewis
36. God is Creative-Responsive Love……………………John B.Cobb &David Ray Griffin
37. The Harmony of Reason and Revelation…………………………Thomas Aquinas
38. 老子神化考略……………………………………………………………刘国钧
39. 天师道与滨海地域之关系………………………………………………陈寅恪
40. 张陵与陵井之传说………………………………………………………傅飞岚
41. 道教的“沐浴”探究………………………………………………………丁煌
42. 唐玄宗《道德真经》注疏之撰述与其思想特征………………………麦谷邦夫
43. 《坐忘论》的“安心”思想研究………………………………………中岛隆藏
44. 太原龙山全真道石窟初探…………………………………………………李养正
45. 张三丰与明代皇帝的关系………………………………………………黄兆汉
46. 道释相激:道教在敦煌……………………………………………………姜伯勤
47. 论道教仪式的结构——要素及其组合……………………………………陈耀庭
48. 当代道教宫观经济的转型………………………………………………杨德睿
49. Taoism: The Unofficial High Religion of China…………………Anna Seidel
50. Vernacular and Classical Ritual in Taoism……………………Kristofer M. Schipper
51. The Longest Taoist Scripture………………………………Michel Strickmann



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22. Verellen Franciscus, "Taoism", The Journal of Asian Studies 54(1995): 322-346
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