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 Table of Contents(Vol.01 No.02, Jun. 2011)


帖子数 : 43
注册日期 : 10-11-05

Table of Contents(Vol.01 No.02, Jun. 2011) Empty
帖子主题: Table of Contents(Vol.01 No.02, Jun. 2011)   Table of Contents(Vol.01 No.02, Jun. 2011) Empty2011-07-21, 14:52

International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics
ISSN: 2161-4717 (Print) 2161-4725 (Online).
IJAA free online access: http://www.scirp.org/journal/ijaa

Table of Contents(Vol.01 No.02, Jun. 2011):
The Relief of Plasma Pressure and Generation of Field-Aligned Currents in the Magnetosphere
P. A Sedykh

Bianchi Type- III and Kantowski-Sachs Universes with wet Dark Fluid
R. Chaubey

Discrete Scale Relativity and Sx Phoenicis Variable Stars
Robert L Oldershaw

Model Atmosphere Analysis of Some B-Type Stars
S. M. Saad, M. I. Nouh

Comprehensive Research on the Origin of the Solar System Structure by Quantum-like Model
Qingxiang Nie

On Planetary Electromagnetism and Gravity
Ashwini Kumar Lal

An approximation algorithm for the solution of astrophysics equations using rational scaled generalized Laguerre function collocation method based on transformed Hermite-Gauss nodes
Ali Pirkhedri, P. Daneshjoo, H. H. S. Javadi, H. R. Navidi, et al.

Pending Problems in QSOs
Martín López-Corredoira

Is the Cosmic big Trip Just a Classical Wormhole Artifact?
Pedro F. González-Daz

Simulation Outside Magnetic Field of the Sun
Jianqing Wu, Zhiliang Yang

Concerning Diamond and Gold-Bearing Astropipes of Mongolia
D. Dorjnamjaa, D. M. Voinkov, L. S. Kondratov, D Selenge, et al.

An Intrinsic Relation Between A Function of The Right Ascension and Declination With the Angular Distance to The Vertex for Hyades Stars
Mohamed Adel Sharaf, Hadia Hassan Selim

Table of Contents(Vol.01 No.01, Mar. 2011):
Effect of Interplanetary Matter on the Spin Evolutions of Venus and Mercury
Qingxiang Nie, Chuan Li, Fengshou Liu

Stability of Collinear Points in the Generalized Photogravitational Robes Restricted Three-Body Problem
AbdulRazaq AbdulRaheem

Space Weather – Sun Earth Relations
K. Sundara Raman

IJAA is an OPEN ACCESS journal dedicated to the latest advancement of astrophysics and space sciences.
Extrasolar Planets
Interstellar Matter
Planets, Comets, Asteroids and Dust
Solar and Stellar Physics
Cosmic Rays and Gamma Astronomy
Heliospheric Physics
Magnetospheric Physics
Scientific Instrumentation
Solar/Interstellar Terrestrial Relations

Contact us:ijaa@scirp.org

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Table of Contents(Vol.01 No.02, Jun. 2011)

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