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 Journal of Environmental Protection -Table of Contents(Vol.02 No.04, Jun. 2011)


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注册日期 : 10-11-05

Journal of Environmental Protection -Table of Contents(Vol.02 No.04, Jun. 2011) Empty
帖子主题: Journal of Environmental Protection -Table of Contents(Vol.02 No.04, Jun. 2011)   Journal of Environmental Protection -Table of Contents(Vol.02 No.04, Jun. 2011) Empty2011-07-21, 14:40

Journal of Environmental Protection
ISSN: 2152-2197 (Print) 2152-2219 (Online).
JEP free online access: www.scirp.org/journal/jep.

Table of Contents(Vol.02 No.04, Jun. 2011):
Protection of Environment from Damaged Nuclear Station and Transparent Inflatable Blanket for Cities—Protection from Radioactive Dust and Chemical, Biological Weapons
Alexander Bolonkin

Land Use Impact on Bioavailable Phosphorus in the Bronx River, New York
Jingyu Wang, Hari Pant

Basement data of the Terrestrial Radionuclide Level of Abuja Federal Capital Territory, (FCT), Nigeria
Ayodeji Awodugba, Adetayo Abioye, Dauda Adekunle, Omowumi Ologun, et al.

Planning of Recreation Parks in the University Campus
Anthopoulos K. Petros, George Costa

Education on Sustainable Development based on Local Agenda 21
Constantina Skanavis, Polytimi Zacharaki, Christos Giannoulis, Vasiliki Petreniti

Preliminary Risk Assessment Posed by Formaldehyde Residues in Clothing to Vietnamese Consumers
Van Nam Thai, Akihiro Tokai

Phytoplankton Index of Biological Integrity (P-IBI) in Several Marshes, Southern IRAQ
Bahram K. Maulood, Abdul Hameed M. Jawad Alobaidy, Azhar Alsaboonchi, Haider S. Abid, et al.

The Constitutional Transformation and a Threat of the Environment in Poland
Krzysztof R. Mazurski

Assessment of Methane Flux from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfill Areas of Delhi, India
Manju Rawat, AL Ramanathan

Regional Distribution of Soil Phosphorus Across Congregation-Grazing Zones of Forage-Based Pastures with Cow-Calf Operations in Florida
Gilbert C. Sigua, Robert O. Myer, Samuel W. Coleman, Cheryl Mackowiak, et al.

Natural Radionuclide Concentrations and Radiological Impact Assessment of River Sediments of the Coastal Areas of Nigeria
Olatunde Michael Oni, Idowu Peter Farai, Ayodeji Oladiran Awodugba

Harvest Residue Study of Fungicide Tebuconazole Ec Formulation in Groundnut and Paddy
Chiranjit Kundu, Arnab Goon, Anjan Bhattacharyya

Groundwater Pollution Due to Pesticides and Heavy Metals in North West Bank
Marwan Ghanem, Subhi Samhan, Erick Carlier, Wasim Ali

Ground Water in Certain Sites in Egypt and Its Treatments Using a New Modified Ion Exchange Resin—Characterization of Water and Modified Ion Exchange
Nariman. H. Kamel, AlSaid M. Sayyah, Ahmed. A. Abdel-aal

High-Precision GC-MS Analysis of Atmospheric Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and Isomer Ratios from Biomass Burning Emissions
Prashant Rajput, Manmohan Sarin, Ramabadran Rengarajan

A Comparative Study of Thumba Seed Bio Diesel
Shiv Lal, V. K Gorana, N. L Panwar

Radioactivity in Su***ce Soils Around the Proposed Sites for Titanium Mining Project in Kenya
M. K Osoro, I. V. S. Rathore, M. J Mangala, A. O Mustapha

Urban Heat Island Effect over National Capital Region of India: A Study using the Temperature Trends
Manju Mohan, Anurag Kandya, Arunachalam Battiprolu

Classification Method fo Urban Solid Waste Disposal Sites
Adriana Soares de Schueler, Claudio Fernando Mahler

Distribution Behaviour of Dimethoate in Tea Leaf
Shivani Jaggi, Bikram singh, Adarsh Shanker

More Issues
Vol.2 No.3, May 2011 Vol.2 No.2, Apr. 2011 Vol.2 No.1, Mar. 2011

JEP is an OPEN ACCESS journal dedicated to the latest advancement of environmental protection.
Air Pollution Monitoring and Modeling
Air Quality Measurement and Management
Ecosystem Restoration
Environmental Degradable Materials
Environmental Policy
Food and Drug Safety Control
Global Climate Changes and Human Health
Ground Water Pollution Control
Hydrobiology and Water Pollution
Land Pollution and Its Effects on Health
Modeling and Measuring of Water Pollution
New Water Purification Technologies
Radiation Safety in Atomic Industry
Risk Assessment of Contaminated Environments
Solid Waste Management
Sources of Air Pollution
Treatment, Disposal and Discharge of Wastewater
Water Resource Protection and Sustainable Use
Air Pollution Prevention and Control
Chemical Pollutants and Its Effects on Health
Effects of Air Pollution on Public Health
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Toxicology
Global Climate Change and Air Pollution
Greenhouse Gas Emission Monitoring and Solutions
Hazardous Materials Management
Interdisciplinary Environmental Issues
Methods of Monitoring Water Quality
New Wastewater Treatment Technologies
Purification of Drinking-water Supplies
Remediation of Contaminated Environments (Polluted Soils)
Soil and Water Conservation
Source Apportionment of Air Pollutants
Sustainable Development of Environment and Ecosystem
Urban/Indoor Air Pollution and Control
Water Resources and Quality Assessment

Contact us:jep@scirp.org

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Journal of Environmental Protection -Table of Contents(Vol.02 No.04, Jun. 2011)

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