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 Journal of Service Science and Management -Table of Contents(Vol.04 No.02, Jun. 2011)


帖子数 : 43
注册日期 : 10-11-05

Journal of Service Science and Management -Table of Contents(Vol.04 No.02, Jun. 2011)  Empty
帖子主题: Journal of Service Science and Management -Table of Contents(Vol.04 No.02, Jun. 2011)    Journal of Service Science and Management -Table of Contents(Vol.04 No.02, Jun. 2011)  Empty2011-07-21, 10:57

Journal of Service Science and Management
ISSN: 1940-9893 (Print) 1940-9907 (Online).
JS*** free online access: http://www.scirp.org/journal/jssm.

Table of Contents(Vol.04 No.02, Jun. 2011):
Factors Impacting Innovation in New Service Offerings
John Maleyeff

Comparative Study on the Impacts of Institutional and Individual Investor on Security Investment Risk
Zunhuan Shen, Dong Cao

Sustainable Services: the Natural Mimicry Approach
Adi Wolfson, Dorith Tavor, Shlomo Mark

Applying Zipf’s Power Law Over Population Density and Growth as Network Deployment Indicator
Vagia Kyriakidou, Christos Michalakelis, Dimitris Varoutas

Information Technology Adoption and Assimilation : Towards a Research Framework for Service Sector ***Es
Sylvestre Uwizeyemungu, Louis Raymond

Turnover Determinants of New Employees in International Hotels
Huang-Wei Su, Li-Tze Lee, Chiang Ku Fan

The Empirical Research of Factors Influencing Share of Wallet in the B2B Market
Aiwu Cheng, Lei Han, Cheng Cao

Integrated Logistics Network for the Supply Chain of Locally Produced Food, Part I: Location and Route Optimization Analyses
Techane Bosona, Girma Gebresenbet, Ingrid Nordmark, David Ljungberg

A Comparative Appraisal of Timings for Program Evaluation Survey and Related Institutional Results in Saudi Arabia: Quality Management in Higher Education
Abdullah Al Rubaish

On the Risks and Costs Methodologies Applied for the Improvement of the Warranty Management
Vicente González Díaz, François Pérès, Adolfo Crespo Márquez

Implementation of Agility Concepts into Oil Industry
Ibrahim Hassan Garbie

Correspondence Analysis in International Sci-Tech Cooperation Patterns and University Resources
Li Li, Zhengning Feng, Xuezhu Gao

Risk Migration In Supply Chain Inventory Financing Service
Zheng Qin, Xiaochao Ding

A Slacks-based Measure of Efficiency of Electric Arc Furnace Activity with Undesirable Outputs
Hao Zhang, Xiang Su, Shilun Ge

An Empirical Analysis of Credit Card Customers’ Overdue Risks for Medium- and Small-Sized Commercial Bank in Taiwan
Chia-Chi Lee, Tyrone T. Lin, Yi-Ting Chen

More Issues
Vol.4 No.1, Mar. 2011 Vol.3 No.4, Dec. 2010 Vol.3 No.3, Sep. 2010

JS*** is an OPEN ACCESS journal dedicated to the latest advancement of service science and management .
Business Intelligence
Business Process Re-engineering
Customer Capital Management
Decision Support System
Environment and Energy Management
Human Resources Management
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Management Engineering
Metrics, Co-value Production
Operational Research
Public Administration
Regional Economics and Management
Service Economics
Service Science
Supply Chain Management
Tourism and Travel Industry
Business Management
Computational Economics
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Economics and Management
Financial Engineering
Information System Management
Knowledge Management and Semantic Web
Managerial Economics
Metrology Management
Planning, Scheduling and Project Management
Uality Management
Risk Management
Service Industry Economics
Software Engineering Management
System Management Theory
Urban Economics and Planning

Contact us:jssm@scirp.org
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Journal of Service Science and Management -Table of Contents(Vol.04 No.02, Jun. 2011)

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